Hemp Extraction

Highest quality industrial
hemp extraction.

Powerful yet gentle.

As one of very few CO2 extraction facilities in Europe, Essentia Pura comes fully equipped to process industrial hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.). We offer product and process development based on our rigorous research, from the pilot phase up to the production scale. With our equipment, it is possible to adapt the extraction parameters individually and add further process steps to the crude extract, enabling us to produce customized extracts for you. The CBD extracts that we produce can be then used as a basis in the food, food supplement, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

Hemp supercritical
CO2 extraction.

The purest CBD extracts.

Sophisticated hemp extraction is key to obtaining the purest cannabinoids, free from solvents and toxins. Therefore, we use supercritical CO2 extraction. By applying high pressures and low temperatures, we precisely extract all the cannabinoids the plant contains while preventing any loss. Moreover, we preserve beneficial biological ingredients, which are often lost with other extraction methods, and as a result, we produce a pure, powerful, and natural extract. Additionally, our team produces all extracts in our own facility, supervised by a PhD expert with extensive experience in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Hemp Extraction Benefits

Non Toxic
(GRAS status)
Free of Impurities
Used in Food Products without any restrictions
(No Dangerous Residues)
Less post-
processing steps
Has the Highest
Market Acceptance