
Private Label CBD Products

From Your Initial Idea To a Private custom formulated CBD Product.

We Follow A Collaborative Product Development Process To Create Private Label CBD Products Specific To Your Brand And Needs.

Our Private Label Service allows you to create unique and personalised Private Label CBD Oil or Private Label CBD Skin Care products that are tailored to your company’s needs. Within this service, you have the freedom to realize your ideas and develop and perfect your very own formulas.

Essentia Pura™

How does it work?

Every customer is an individual, and so each product is unique. This is why we offer you all our services according to the principle in which you only use what you need. No wastage.

Reach Out To Specify
Your Requirements.

Work alongside our research & development team

to develop and optimize the formulations according to your specifications.

Receive and test the first samples of your product.

If you’re happy, that gives us a green light for manufacturing.

If it’s not exactly what you expected, we can modify it.

Select a wide range of packaging options

to suit your product requirements.

Create your design 

with our handpicked award-winning creative agency.

Receive the market-ready products 

that you & your customers were looking for.

Two Different Types Of Partnership we offer

We have two different ways that you can work with us, each with its own specific benefits. So, if you have a commitment to providing the highest quality products featuring proprietary CBD formulations that work on the market, then we have the means to help you reach your goal no matter the size of your business.
White Label CBD
The ideal solution for companies that want to sell pre-formulated, market-proven, and consumer-adapted CBD products under your own branding.
Learn more
Private Label CBD
Custom formulations produced via a collaborative private label CBD product development process. Create differentiated, exclusive CBD products specific to your company’s needs.
Learn more

Get in touch with us

present your idea or preferred characteristics, and we will use our extensive experience to find the best way forward for you.