CBD for Cats with Anxiety

Cats are pretty independent creatures though they might also develop anxiety. However, over time they have evolved and become more emotional. As a result, cats can develop a pretty strong bond with their human companions. Unfortunately, it means that they are also prone to anxiety. Though they might not speak, they express their anxiety through altered behavior. In most cases, anxiety can be resolved by giving greater attention to cats. However, sometimes, quite like humans, they need some extra help. Fortunately, many natural remedies that work for humans are also good and effective for cats. Natural remedies like CBD are preferred due to their better safety profile and subtle effect.

CBD for Anxiety in Cats

People have been using CBD for cats for some time now, and there is some clinical research to confirm that it works. It appears that cats also have an endocannabinoid system, and thus CBD works in cats similarly to humans. One should preferably use THC-free CBD products in cats, as THC may cause unexpected effects. Thus, it is better to use CBD isolate-based products in cats. can anxious

Cat Anxiety Symptoms

Though any cat may develop anxiety symptoms, but experience shows that adopted cats are more prone to such issues. Some cats are inherently more emotional, and thus they are more likely to be affected by even short-term separation. Some of the symptoms of anxiety that cats may show are:
  • Changes in appetite
  • Significant change in behavior
  • Excessive grooming
  • Excessive attention-seeking behavior
  • Hiding away
  • Defecating or urinating in an unusual manner
  • Destructive behavior like scratching or chewing things
Generally, comforting your cat may help relieve anxiety. However, in some cases, symptoms may worsen and may need some extra effort or even require treatment.

What Causes Anxiety in Cats?

There could be many causes of anxiety in cats, though identifying the cause may not be possible in all cases. Moreover, it is worth understanding that all cats differ genetically and in their early life experiences. Thus, some cats are more prone to anxiety than others. For example, adopted cats are more likely to develop anxiety. Generally, pets develop quite a strong emotional bond with their human companions, and thus separation is often the leading cause of anxiety. This separation could be due to going on holidays, or some other reasons like a human companion start working longer hours. Sometimes the introduction of a new pet may also cause anxiety. Other causes could be changes in environment like moving to a new house. Additionally, some unidentified health issues in a cat may also cause anxiety. That is why it is essential to visit a veterinarian if one observes any behavioral changes in their pets. In rare cases, anxiety or emotional changes in human companions may also affect the behavior of pets, causing anxiety. Pets like cats and dogs are known to be very sensitive and have the ability to sense emotional changes in their human companions.

How to Cure Cat Anxiety

When it comes to treatment, medications are not an option. Many commonly used antianxiety drugs may be safe for humans, but they might be highly toxic for other mammals. Moreover, there are not enough safety studies regarding antianxiety medications in pets. Thus, the best bet is natural remedies when it comes to curing anxiety. One should start by making changes to the environment so that cat starts feeling more comfortable. Identifying the cause of anxiety and taking action to overcome those issues can also help. Another way to manage anxiety in cats is to consider natural remedies. There are many herbals that are quite good for controlling anxiety, like Valerian root extract and CBD. Valerian root may be given along with CBD in more severe cases. When it comes to CBD, it is among the emerging new treatments for anxiety in pets. There are few studies that indicate that CBD is safe and effective. It may not only help reduce anxiety but may also help by reducing pain and inflammation and improving sleep quality in companion animals. Many of these effects are now supported by clinical studies in companion animals. cat anxiety and cbd

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol. It is one of the more than 400 cannabinoids identified in the cannabis plant. CBD is among the most abundant and well-studied cannabinoids. Studies in CBD have been a game-changer, as they proved that THC-free extracts of the cannabis plant do not cause high and have many beneficial health effects. It is now well known that euphoria or high caused by marijuana or cannabis is due to THC. However, there are wide varieties of the cannabis plant or hemp plant that are naturally low in THC. CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant varieties that are legally cultivated and naturally low in THC. Manufacturers generally extract it using techniques like using supercritical CO2 or hydrocarbon gases like butane. Research shows that CBD works by influencing the so-called endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is a network of receptors present throughout the body. It appears that CBD also works by affecting other receptors in the brain and other body tissues. CBD is so effective that there are already some CBD-based approved medications. These medications can help in many severe conditions like resistant epilepsy. However, CBD is more commonly used as a food supplement to overcome less severe health issues like mild anxiety, pain, inflammation, and more.

Side Effects of CBD Oil

Studies show that CBD is quite safe for use in pets. As the use of CBD is increasing in pets, researchers are also paying greater attention to safety studies. For example, in one of the recent safety studies published in the journal Animals, researchers found that a high dose of 2 mg/kg twice daily for 12 weeks was relatively safe in cats and dogs and did not cause any severe side effects. The study also found that cats metabolize CBD differently than dogs and generally have lower serum levels of CBD. However, prolonged use of CBD at higher dosages may cause issues like excessive licking, shaking of the head, and other minor problems.

CBD Oil for Cats

When it comes to cats, to most commonly recommended dosage of CBD oil is 2-4 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. However, studies show that one can safely increase the dosage to as much as 10 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. Generally, giving CBD oil to cats on an empty stomach is a good idea. However, the best way of giving CBD oil to cats is by mixing it with some food items, as a sublingual dosage is not possible, and it may irritate the cat. If you are into animal health products or want to the extent your offering of CBD range of products, you can contact us. Our team of experts can help you create a range of CBD-based animal health products.

Can CBD Help Aggressive Cats?

Your cat can sometimes be pretty aggressive for no apparent cause and CBD can help. Cats are the favorite pet of Europeans, with data indicating that there are as many as about 75 million pet cats in the EU. Yes, that’s a massive number. It means that there is one cat for every six people in the EU. Countries like Romania, Hungry, Slovenia, and Portugal are among the most cat-friendly countries. People keep cats and care for them like family members. It means that there is a significant market for cat-care products in the EU. Additionally, it is worth understanding that cats are mammals, quite like humans. It means they have many similarities to humans, with similar kinds of hormones, metabolic pathways, health issues, and more. Although, of course, they differ significantly from humans, nonetheless, considerable similarity means that what works for humans also works for cats. In fact, most of the veterinary drugs used to treat different cat disorders are also used in human medicine. So, it means that pain killers, antacids, antianxiety, cardiovascular drugs, and other medications that help humans overcome suffering can also help cats. Hence it also means that health supplements that are good for humans can also help cats, and it is also true for CBD. cbd for cats

CBD for Aggression in Cats

CBD is relatively safe in humans and can help in a range of conditions. For example, it can help reduce stress, and anxiety, stabilize mood and reduce pain and inflammation. Thus, there is every reason to believe that CBD can help reduce aggression in cats due to its broad spectrum of activity.

Why is my Cat Aggressive All of a Sudden?

Felines are carnivores, which means that aggression is one of their basic instincts. However, domesticated felines differ significantly from wild cats, as they have evolved to be less aggressive. Nevertheless, under certain conditions or for some reason, cats may suddenly become aggressive. There could be many reasons for cats becoming aggressive all of a sudden. Still, CBD can help, but not in all cases. Moreover, CBD will work better when used along with behavioral therapy. Thus, identifying the cause of sudden aggressiveness in cats is essential. Below are some of the reasons why a cat may become aggressive all of a sudden:
  • Fear of the unknown- Sometimes, cats may develop some fears of unknown factors and suddenly become aggressive. Unfortunately, pet owners often find it hard to understand those fears.
  • Aggression due to health issues- Animals cannot speak, but they feel the pain and express their distress in different ways. Thus, a cat may develop problems like joint pains, toothache, and infection and suddenly become aggressive due to constant pain. Sometimes cats might become aggressive due to cognitive decline, too.
  • Territorial aggression may occur after moving to a new house, introducing a new pet, or for some other reason.
  • Redirected aggression- It happens due to some external stimuli like a cat getting frightened by some noise or couldn’t catch a squirrel. In such a case, the cat may redirect its aggression towards the human companions.
  • Petting aggression- It may occur due to some sensory changes in the cats. Thus, they may start getting irritated by over-attention from human companions.
As one can understand, CBD can help cats in most of the above cases in different ways. It helps overcome pain and inflammation, reduces stress and anxiety, stabilizes mood, and thus reduces aggression due to various reasons. cbd and agressive cat

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat

If a cat becomes aggressive too frequently, one needs to identify the cause and find a remedy. Of course, CBD can help, but it works better when combined with other ways of reducing aggression. After all, CBD is not a magical potion. Below are some of the things cat owners can do to calm down aggressive cats:
  • Cats need attention, but not all the time. Sometimes, all they need is a safe and isolated place to rest. Thus, if a cat becomes suddenly aggressive, provide it with a safe place to relax.
  • Visit your veterinarian, as cats cannot speak. In addition, only well-trained and experienced veterinarians can identify various physical ailments that might be causing pain and aggression.
  • Do not yell, as it is not going to solve the problem. Instead, spending more time with a cat and improving the bond may have a better effect.
  • Prevent fight at its earliest stages if you have more than one cat in your house. This would help prevent things from getting worse and prevent future episodes of aggression.

Does CBD Help Aggressive Cats?

There are many reasons to believe that CBD can help. It is vital to understand that most drugs that help people are also good for cats and vice versa. That is why many medications are first tested in mammals, especially in preclinical stages. It means that CBD can also help reduce stress, pain, and inflammation and have a calming effect on cats. Moreover, there is ever-increasing evidence from various studies that CBD works, and its mode of action is similar to humans. Studies show that the endocannabinoid system is present in various mammals, including cats. There has been some research into animals, and these studies confirm that CBD may reduce aggressive behavior in various mammals like dogs and cats.

CBD Oil Dosage for Cats

CBD is a natural ingredient that is effective and safe for cats. Moreover, there has been an increasing trend in using CBD in veterinary health in recent years. Studies show that 1-5 mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight is a good dose. Generally, it is a good idea to start with a minimum dosage and increase dosage on a weekly basis. Starting dosage would also depend on the severity of the condition and cause of aggression in a cat. For example, if the cat is suffering from an inflammatory and painful ailment, it would be better to start with about 2 mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. If the recommended dosages do not work, one can increase the dosage up to 10 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. It is vital to understand that CBD does not work instantly. It starts showing effect after about 30-45 minutes, and the effect generally lasts for 4-6 hours. It means one would need to give CBD twice or thrice a day.

How to Give CBD to Cats

It is pretty simple. Generally, using CBD oil is the best option. One can use CBD oil specifically created for pets; however, one can also use CBD oil made for humans. One can simply mix CBD oil with food and give it to the cat. Although it is possible to give CBD oil to cats sublingually, but that is relatively a difficult task as cats do not love such things. Finally, keep in mind that CBD oil would work better on an empty stomach. It means that one should give CBD oil mixed with some food before feeding the cat or giving the main meal. If you are into the CBD business and want to start focusing on animal health, we can help you get started. You can also buy CBD oil in bulk from us.

Is CBD Oil Suitable for Pet Rats

Though keeping rodents as pets may not be for all, but they can be a good friend. Rats are highly social animals. They might be considerably smaller than dogs or cats, but they are highly intelligent and have an excellent memory. Though their vision is not very sharp, once they have learned to navigate places, they never forget the path. A more important reason for keeping rats as pets is that they are indeed social animals. They like to live in families. It means that they can accept their human companion and show affection. For example, they may enjoy a massage and may even react to tickling.  For humans, keeping rats as pets can also be quite rewarding. They recognize various emotions. They would do various things to attract the attention of their human friends. Thus, rats can also be good companions for humans.

Would CBD oil work for rats?

Mammals come in various sizes and forms. Even dolphins and whales are mammals, but they have quite a different metabolism compared to rats and cats. So, what may work well for one species may not necessarily work well for another. Nonetheless, it is worth noticing that many hormones, receptors, hormone pathways are well preserved within all mammals. So, despite the differences, mammals do share a lot. That is why insulin extracted from swine works in humans. It does not mean that swine insulin is precisely the same. It differs. Swine insulin has different chemical structures, but amazingly most parts of the molecule responsible for its function are well preserved in various species. It means that even insulin from a fish would influence humans. It means that generally, most drugs have a similar action in various mammals, but with some differences. For example, some mammals may be more sensitive to alcohol, marijuana, or CBD, and others less. Nonetheless, the effect is generally predictable. It also means that what works for humans would mostly work for other mammals, including rats. Another proof of the concept could be veterinary medications. Most medical drugs used in humans work in other mammals, too. However, there are some challenges in using substances in mammals. There is a massive variation in metabolic rate, and even more importantly, in body sizes. In animals, this variation may be huge, even within a single species. It means that rats would generally require a very low dose of CBD.

Rats are pretty similar to humans

Ever wondered why rats are so commonly used in lab experiments? Why are drugs often tested in rats and mice before they are given to humans? The explanation is simple. These small and humble beings share many traits with humans. Modern studies show that their genome contains an almost similar number of genes as humans. Thus, humans have 2.9 gigabases (Gb) of genes, and rats have slightly less at 2.74 Gb. But, that's not all. Studies show that at least one-fourth of all genes between rats and humans are exactly the same. So, the answer to can rats have CBD is yes.

Rats have similar kind of health issues as their humans

These days, for humans, the greater concern is non-infectious diseases or metabolic disorders. These disorders are the result of an altered lifestyle. Human diet has changed considerably in the last century or so and the level of physical activity. Pet rats also have challenges similar to their human companions. They are physically less active than non-pet rats. In addition, they have a very different dietary pattern. It means that pet rats are also prone to metabolic disorders, obesity, bone disorders, hypertension, pains, and even oncological conditions. Pet rats are fed differently. In addition, they have limited space to move around. As a result, pet rats have a very different lifestyle compared to rodents dwelling in the wilderness.

Why use CBD oil for pet rats?

One of the issues is that veterinary medicine is not ready to take care of pet rats adequately. It is mostly focused on preventing lice, fleas, worms, and some infections in rats. However, there is almost no focus on non-infectious diseases. Neither much effort is made to improve the quality of life, prevent metabolic disorders, help with pain, improve anxiety, help with sleep issues. It means that many pet owners have to tackle these issues of their small companions by themselves. And it is where CBD may help. Moreover, CBD oil for pets may help prevent various disease conditions.

Some of the ways in which CBD oil may help pet rats

Pet rats are prone to metabolic disorders, eating disorders, and much more. This is because their diet when living with humans is quite different. Moreover, their human counterparts cannot understand all the intricacies of rodent diet. Studies show that CBD oil may help prevent obesity and related disorders in rats. It may help by influencing dietary habits and boosting metabolism.  Similarly, CBD may also help overcome pains, boost memory and learning in rats. It may help slow down age-related disorders. Thus, supplementing the diet of a pet with CBD may help keep it active. CBD may also help reduce pain, have a calming effect. Studies show that it may reduce nausea, exert an anti-emetic influence. And thus, it may improve appetite in ill pets. However, here is a word of caution. One should use much lower dosages of CBD in pet rats than in experimental studies. It is essential to remember that experimental studies are not done by keeping rats' well-being in mind. They are simply done to demonstrate certain concepts so that similar ideas can be later applied to humans. Thus, most experimental studies may give toxic doses for quick results.  Thus, for example, CBD dose for rats with tumors would be just a few milligrams. Perhaps 1 to 3 milligrams would work for most, considering that 70 mg is considered a moderate dosage for humans. Another essential thing to remember is that it would be better to avoid THC in the rats. It is not because it is toxic for rats, but its effects may be challenging to predict. Instead, it would be a good idea to use CBD isolate. Even broad-spectrum CBD may have unpredictable results.  To conclude, rats can be excellent companion animals. However, there are specific challenges in taking their care. CBD may help prevent various disorders in rats. It may have a unique role in preventing some diseases in rats, especially considering that veterinary doctors are not much aware of non-infectious conditions in pet rats.

Have you ever thought of adding CBD to your pet's diet? Reach out to us and find out which option we offer as white label CBD for pets.

Is CBD Oil Beneficial for Dogs?

What you need to know about CBD oil for dogs

Companion animals, especially dogs and cats, are valuable family members. It means that their well-being is vital. Although animals may have different anatomy and physiology nonetheless, most mammals share numerous traits with humans. It means that many health products that are good for humans might have health benefits for dogs. In recent years, CBD has gained popularity as a nutraceutical for humans and pets. Initial experience with CBD appears to confirm certain health benefits of CBD oil for dogs.

Is CBD Oil safe for my dog?

When choosing any remedy or health supplement, safety should be of prime concern. After all, it is necessary to ensure that it should not do more harm than good.  There could be many reasons for considering CBD for dogs, from managing pain and inflammation to reducing aggressive behaviour. CBD is safe for pets when used as indicated and at the correct dose. In addition, CBD products that are free from THC are less likely to have any side effects. However, full-spectrum CBD with small amounts of THC may have greater benefits in some cases, so one has to weigh the risk against the benefits before choosing CBD products. Experience with CBD products shows that most CBD adverse effects are transient. It means that they would be gone in few days after discontinuing the product. Moreover, none of the side effects appears to pose any severe health risk to dogs.

Some of the known side effects that might occur at higher dosages are:

  • Mouth dryness results in low saliva, which may be a concern in some warm climate zones.
  • Lowering of blood pressure – again an infrequent side effect, which may occur at much higher dosages.
  • Lethargy – which may occur due to calming effect of CBD on dogs. It might not be an unwanted effect in many cases, especially when CBD is used to manage anxiety in the dog or control aggressive behaviour.
  • Behavioural changes are more probable on exceeding dosage or if any given product is high in THC. In such cases, owners may notice specific behavioural changes.
There is a firm reason to believe that CBD won't cause any side effects in most cases and only minor hassles in some. Moreover, in the last few years, numerous clinical studies have emerged, confirming its safety. For example, in one of the dose-escalation studies in 21 dogs, CBD oil (even products with THC) was well tolerated, causing mild adverse effects only.

How does CBD oil affect dogs?

Pets like dogs differ from their human friends in a way that they have a pretty different kind of digestive system and metabolism. Although there is some research on how dogs metabolize CBD, it is worth keeping in mind that the difference between various breeds may be considerable.

Pharmacokinetics of CBD in dogs

Pharmacokinetics is the study of the movement of drugs or other substances into the body. The study of CBD in dogs show that it is absorbed pretty quickly, with a peak concentration in plasma reaching 1.9 to 2.3 hours. It means that CBD starts acting after a couple of hours in dogs. Further, studies show that half of the CBD would be gone from the dog's plasma (not essentially body) in about 14 to 24 hours.  Since the half-life of CBD may be as long as 24 hours in dogs, it means that the concentration of CBD may increase with repeated dosages. It also means that maximum benefit could be seen after few days only.

Pharmacodynamics or how CBD works in dogs

Once inside the body, CBD has to start working. Studies show that the endocannabinoid system is present in all members of the animal world. So, it may explain why CBD may have similar kinds of health effects in humans and dogs. Targeting endocannabinoid receptors may modulate pain, inflammation, anxiety, reduce stress, have a calming effect, and much more. Researchers have identified various endocannabinoid receptors present in different body parts, from the brain to the skin.

What are the benefits of CBD for dogs?

As dogs reside with humans, they have become physically less active and prone to specific health issues. Therefore, supplementing the canine diet with CBD may have several health benefits for dogs:

Behaviour improvement

Behavioural issues like not listening to human friends, frequently whining for attention, continuing chewing objects may become issues. CBD may help alter behaviour in many cases. It may also help reduce unnecessary aggressiveness in some cases.

Stress reduction

Dogs are pretty emotional and highly attached to their human companions, and they are also prone to anxiety. In addition, some dogs may have a fear of separations, others may respond inadequately to noises. CBD may help calm the nerves of dogs and thus help not only reduce stress but even prevent the condition from becoming chronic.

Pain and inflammation

CBD for pain relief in dogs is quite effective. Pain and inflammation may occur due to numerous reasons like trauma, arthritis, age-related illnesses. Adding CBD to regular treatment may help in many cases. CBD may also be the right choice for chronic pain issues when continuous use of medications might not be an option.

Lowers risk of neurological conditions

Quite like humans, dogs may also develop epileptic seizures, diseases of the brain and spine. Although CBD might not be a cure for most of these conditions, it may provide considerable relief and thus improve the quality of life.

Lowers risk of tumours

CBD has anti-tumour properties. It means that regular supplementation of a canine diet with CBD may help prevent the development of certain types of tumours.

Metabolism enhancements

CBD also alters metabolism, and these effects are even more important considering that dogs are becoming prone to metabolic disorders. Dogs are not as active as they need to be due to limited space in cityscapes and other limitations. CBD has a proven ability to alter or enhance metabolism.

Reduce skin itching

Dogs often have problems with flicks and fleas, skin dryness, dermatitis, and much more. To a degree, scratching is normal. However, if a dog scratches too often, it might be a cause for concern. Although CBD is not a remedy for underlying causes, it may provide much needed symptomatic relief.

What is the best type of CBD to give to my dog?

CBD products for pets come in numerous forms like edibles, oils, gummies, and much more. Although most dose forms are equally good, each has its pros and cons. CBD oil – is the most common form for use by humans and pets alike. It can be used in various ways, either directly taken orally or added to food items. For quick and consistent effect, it is always good to squirt it directly into the dog's mouth, as this will result in fast and dependable absorptions.  Broad-spectrum CBD is a good balance of efficacy and safety. It contains CBD, other cannabinoids, terpenes, and so on, resulting in entourage effect or greater effectiveness. However, it is still free from THC, thus the lower risk of neurological side effects. Full-spectrum CBD – quite like broad-spectrum CBD oil, it has multiple beneficial phytocompounds along with CBD. At the same time, it has a low amount of THC in legally permissible levels. Although THC poses a greater risk of neurological side effects, it should not be demonized as (in the proper dosage) it may considerably boost specific health effects like providing greater anxiety relief. Adding hemp oil to food products is also an option. However, it may result in lower bioavailability and thus the need for a higher dosage.

A word of caution:

when choosing hemp oil, pay particular attention to the source of oil and its total CBD content. Remember that many online hemp oil products are extracted from hemp seed, which may not have any CBD at all. CBD isolate- as the name says, it is an isolated form of CBD, usually in a powder form containing more than 99% of CBD. Using such a product has cost benefits, reliability. Additionally, one can use isolate in many ways like adding to food products, and so on. However, CBD isolate does not contain other cannabinoids or terpenes, which may result in fewer benefits in some disease conditions due to the absence of entourage effect. Edibles – edibles are a good option in a way that they are much easier to use. However, one of the issues with many edibles is an extremely low amount of CBD, which may not result in expected health benefits.

How much CBD oil should I give my dog?

Dosing CBD in pets can be challenging due to the huge variance in body weight between various breeds. Thus, unlike humans, it is best to calculate the dose based on body weight. Generally, it is a good idea to start with the lowest dose and increase it gradually. Since CBD has some accumulating effect, it exerts its maximum effect in 3-5 days. It means that one may increase the dosage after 5-7 days if expected results are not achieved. Most experts recommend starting from 1 mg per 10 pounds of body weight and then increase to 2 or 3 mg per 10 pounds of body weight (once or twice a day). One may even increase dosage much further for severe health conditions. Pharmacokinetic studies regarding the daily dosage say that up to 2 mg per kg is still a low dose. Up to 5 mg per kg is a moderate dose. Higher than 5 mg per kg can be regarded as a high dosage. It means that CBD products have a broad safety range, and one can safely increase dosage when and as required. There is barely any risk of overdosing until or unless someone completely neglects recommendations. Some of the other common questions regarding CBD dosing are: Can I give my dog CBD oil for humans? Well, in short, the answer is yes. Vital here is proper dosing.  How many drops of CBD for dogs are adequate? It would depend on the strength of CBD oil, that is, the amount of CBD in each drop. However, in most cases, one can give dogs few drops of CBD oil. CBD dosage for dogs

Can CBD help relieve my dog's health issues?

There is lots of research going on into CBD's role in various health conditions. For example, it might help manage some disease conditions, be an add-on treatment, and even help counter specific symptoms.

CBD for dogs with cancer

Although there is limited research into the subject, CBD remains among the preferred non-pharmacological means of managing cancers in dogs. However, this does not mean that there is no supporting evidence in favour of such use. Numerous experimental studies show that CBD may alter immune responses, prevent tumour growth, and even induce the death of specific cancer cells. Additionally, one can use CBD to manage pain and anxiety related to cancer. CBD may have a calming effect on the nerves. It may also improve metabolism and promote the survival of dogs.

CBD for arthritis in dogs

CBD may reduce inflammation and pain sensation. There is some research indicating that CBD may help dogs with arthritis. In one of the studies, 4 weeks of CBD oil could reduce pain and increase periods of activity in dogs diagnosed with arthritis. In the mentioned study, researchers gave CBD oil in the dosage of 2 mg per kg, twice daily.

CBD oil for dogs with heart problems

Although CBD oil for dogs with heart problems is not a well-studied remedy, there are reasons to believe that it can help. CBD has a calming effect, may alter stress responses, lower blood pressure a bit, and thus ultimately reduce cardiac load, and has a beneficial impact on heart health.

Cannabidiol oil for dog seizures

Cannabidiol based medications are already approved for managing resistant cases of epilepsy in children in the US and UK. However, in recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards using CBD oil for dog seizures. Many cases reports have confirmed that CBD oil, especially when added to the regular treatment, may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. Additionally, some pilot clinical studies also appear to confirm that adding CBD oil to standard treatment for dog seizures may help.

CBD for anxiety in dogs

Dogs are loving, dedicated, sensitive, and emotional beings. They are quite prone to anxiety, which may result in unexplained behavioural issues. Adding CBD to the daily regime may help overcome anxiety in dogs. One study demonstrated that CBD could reduce noise-induced fear in dogs. Yet another study showed that CBD could lower aggressive behaviour in shelter dogs towards humans due to its anti-anxiety action. CBD could be considered to manage subtle, unwanted changes in a dog's behaviour due to anxiety.

Cannabidiol for inflammation in dogs

CBD is good for suppressing inflammation and reducing related pain. However, such use is not limited to arthritis. Supplementing a regular canine diet with CBD may help lower general inflammation and thus lower the risk of various other painful chronic ailments.


CBD oil for dogs may help counter numerous health issues. It can help prevent certain disorders, be used as an add-on treatment, or counter disease symptoms. CBD is good not only for dogs but also for various pets, and it is also suitable for cats. 

Those looking for CBD products for managing their pets' health can check the list of our finished products. Please feel free to reach out after choosing from different CBD oils for pets. Queries from those interested in manufacturing custom CBD pet products are also welcome.

Featured Image Source: https://puppyhero.com/breed/nova-scotia-duck-tolling-retriever

Is CBD Oil Beneficial for Cats?

What you need to know about CBD Oil For Cats

With “Cats” being one of the most searched-for terms on the Internet, we know they are many people's favorite pets. Cats are our cutest furry companions, Intelligent, elegant, calming, giving us love and compassion. Can CBD be of aid in their purrsuit of happiness? Read ahead!

Is CBD Oil safe for my cat?

The first question cat owners ask is how safe is to give CBD to their cats. Although there have been no scientific studies that investigate the effect of cannabis on cats, CBD should be generally safe. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant.  Even with long-term use, no real serious side effects should be appearing. However, there are potential adverse effects, especially if the dosing is too high or too frequent. Gastrointestinal upset, drowsiness, and sedation can be observed. Most of the undesirable results can be stopped by discontinuing the administration of CBD. Drug interaction with existing cat medications can also arise! Always make sure and check with your veterinarian if your cat is suitable for CBD consumption.

How does CBD oil affect cats?

Like humans and many other animals, cats also own an endocannabinoid system. This means they are also affected by cannabinoids found in plants, as well as synthetic ones. To gain a deeper understanding of how CBD affects our cats, we must look into the functioning of the endocannabinoid system.

Cats and the endocannabinoid system (ECS)

The endocannabinoid system, consisting of endocannabinoids, CB1 and CB2 receptors, metabolic enzymes is a part of the nervous system assisting neural communication. This lipid signaling system plays an important role in every aspect of the cat's life. It affects appetite, sleep, hunger, memory, mood regulation and stability, pain perception, body temperature, immune resistance, reproduction, and fertility,... Although the distribution of cannabinoid receptors is different than in humans, they can be affected in the same way. This means CBD can bring the ECS to a harmonious tone in cats as well.

How long it takes for CBD to work in cats

We should always consider CBD as a long-term treatment. Minimal doses administered over a long time span are the best way to see the CBD benefits for cats. By receiving a daily dose of CBD, the ECS should improve its function, resulting in a healthier and happier cat. Especially at the first few tries, or if the dosage is increased, there might be some immediate reactions from our cat. We must observe how our cat responds to CBD and diminish or stop giving them CBD if unwanted effects occur.

How does a cat react after taking CBD?

At first, the cat might be curious and seem to like the taste of CBD. Some cats might find the taste repulsive and reject it. Once the CBD oil enters their system, their mood can change, usually becoming calmer. Their appetite can rise and they might sleep longer. Some CBD products and their ingredients might also irritate the cat.

What are the benefits of CBD for cats?

The need for clinical studies in veterinary species is very significant. Science needs to provide evidence-based applications for phytocannabinoid like CBD. Except for the laboratory animal species in which experimental studies have been performed, we need more data regarding the same benefits on our cats. So far, the findings show towards the treatment of: Urinary tract disease: In most cases, the UTD is not caused by bacterias in cats. The cause is inflammation which CBD as a natural anti-inflammatory can ease. Anxiety: CBD can help cats deal with their anxiety, relieving stress, leading to several different complications. Seizure disorders: epilepsy and similar conditions are very difficult to treat with conventional medicine. CBD shows great potential as a legitimate option for uses against seizures. Vomiting and diarrhea: inflammatory bowel disease, chronic vomiting, and diarrhea could all be made easier with the help of cannabinoids. Diabetes: the increasing number of diabetic cats might find a solution from cannabinoid treatment. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD could reduce the hyperglycemic damage caused by type 2 diabetes. Cancer: CBD can provide some systematic pain relief and can benefit cats with cancer by increasing appetite and reducing nausea. Overall wellness: CBD can positively impact the cat's immune system acting as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant.

What is the best type of CBD to give to my cat?

If you are interested in trying cannabidiol for your cat it might be quite difficult to start. CBD for pets comes in many forms, including how it is manufactured and what it is used for. We will stay away from products such as CBD pet treats since they are more prone to contain artificial flavors, colors, grain, and dairy ingredients. We will focus on hemp oil as it is the most popular and widely available product. Several methods exist to obtain CBD oil. It is wise to make sure the best CBD oil for your cat is produced without harmful solvents, which can be retained in the final product. CBD extractions such as CO2 are most suitable for cats. CBD oil is mostly termed as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate. Full-spectrum CBD oil, also known as whole plant CBD, contains all the plants naturally occurring components such as cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc... and is usually deemed most effective. Albeit the THC levels are below 0.2%, the cat can still have a negative reaction from consuming too much full-spectrum CBD oil. Broad-spectrum CBD oil, is like full-spectrum oil, with a key difference. It contains a whole range of different compounds but is without THC. CBD isolate oil contains the CBD isolate in its purest form. It’s the most purified form of CBD oil. Without containing all the plant's potentially beneficial components, it means this CBD oil has less chance of causing allergic reactions to your cat.

CBD topicals for cats

Cats might suffer from joint and muscle pain, or skin anomalies. In this case, CBD topicals are ideal since we can apply them directly to the cat's skin and deliver immediate relief. CBD topicals are meant only for external use and shouldn't be ingested by your cat!

How much CBD oil should I give my cat?

We are usually administrating CBD based on the weight of the subject. As cats are quite small animals, dosing should be careful and accurate. Typically, cats should consume 1-2mg of CBD per serving, once or twice daily. For different dosing options, check the chart below.

Can CBD calm cat anxiety or cat aggression?

One of the most common things troubling cat owners are overexcited pets. They are looking up CBD to calm their cats and ease their anxiety. CBD is very often discussed as a potential treatment for anxiety, stress, and irritation.

Cats, CBD, and anxiety

CBD and anxiety (after pain management) is the most discussed topic when pet owners visit the veterinary clinic. In CBD topicals veterinarians found CBD to be at least somewhat helpful in treating canine anxiety. And just in around 10% it produces side effects. CBD was also deemed to help reduce anxiety by over 75% of participants

CBD and Cats agression

Most lives of domestic cats are pretty far from their natural habitats. As they are natural predators they are very active by instinct. But sometimes, things get out of hand. CBD might be a tool to calm these situations. According to this study, CBD shows some effectiveness in taming aggression. Another thing to note from the study is that THC, found in full-spectrum CBD products, might potentiate aggression group settings.


So far we found out CBD can be quite a treat for our cats. As no harmful side effects are expected to be seen from cats, Essentia Pura offers all kinds of CBD oil formulations for your pets. Let us know which one you think suits your cat and we will get you going! CBD full spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate, blended with salmon fish oil is available for you to order.

Reach out to us here for any further information on the topic. To place an order, complete our form and let all pets discover the wonders of CBD!

The Benefits for CBD Oil for Pets

Did you know that Cannabidiol (CBD) can have a positive effect on your cat, dog, and all the different kinds of animals you keep at home? Mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles, have all been found to have an endocannabinoid system. This means that if you have had a positive experience with CBD, your pets can most likely have one too! Now, before you share your favorite CBD product with your beloved pet, it's good to take a few things into consideration, so keep on reading! Generally, what’s good for you should be also good for your pet. But obviously, as every human is different and can have a different reaction to CBD products, so can animals have a completely different experience with CBD. As there are not enough studies to set a golden standard for CBD administration to humans, there’s even less knowledge on how CBD products work on animals. The rule of thumb is starting slow, with a really small amount of CBD, and see how the animal reacts.  If the benefits of CBD oils can be seen in humans, they can definitely have value for pets as well. First of all, you have to make sure that the CBD oil you administer to your pets is safe, so let's explore how CBD is made and what different options are available.

What is CBD Oil? How is CBD Oil for Pets Made?

Cannabidiol, CBD in short, is the main active ingredient in the cannabis plant. Most of the CBD is concentrated in the resin glands in the cannabis flower. Therefore, to separate CBD from the plant matter, we have to strip off the resin. There are several different methods to obtain the CBD-rich cannabis resin. While some are more efficient than others in terms of yields. The CBD hemp extraction method with supercritical CO2, the one that we use at Essentia Pura facility, is proven to be the most effective in terms of safety. We do not cut any corners when it comes to the quality of our CBD oil! We are extremely confident, that our Full-Spectrum CBD oils contain no residual harmful chemicals which are leftover in solvent extractions. Your and your pet's safety in the first step of the product manufacturing process is assured. Now let's move to the formulation.

Full Spectrum, Broad spectrum or Isolate only?

We believe that full-spectrum CBD products are the most effective for humans. Most likely, we can project the same experience we have to the animal world. But with most positive effects, there is also a greater possibility for the manifestation of negative effects. The full-spectrum CBD oil contains trace amounts of THC! As animals share the same endocannabinoid system as we do, they can also be intoxicated by THC in the same way. With proper and careful dosing, the negative side effects from the full spectrum oils can be in most cases avoided. But if you prefer to be on the safer side, the broad spectrum CBD oil is a better option. (THC free) Some animals are also sensitive to terpenes found in hemp. So the safest, but also most likely the least effective, is a formulation of CBD drops for pets with CBD isolate. Formulations with CBD isolate are also the safest way for young animals that are still developing and learning.

Don't forget the carrier oils!

Carrier oils act as a base for the CBD extract to be diluted in. The final mixture provides better bioavailability and dosing accuracy. As carrier oils make the most part of CBD drops, they might be even more important than the CBD extract itself when it comes to unwanted reactions in your pets. We offer our CBD drops in three different carrier oils: - Cold-pressed Olive oil. Probably the most praised oil in culinary. (loved by humans, but probably not all animals will find it fancy) -Hemp seed oil. A healthy cold-pressed oil, rich in healthy fats, fats, vitamins, and minerals. (offers the whole plant experience, but has the same issue as the Olive oil above) -MCT oil. Has a neutral taste, provides the longest shelf life, and offers the best bioavailability. (potentially the best option, but larger servings might result in digestive discomfort) The carrier oils above are widely accepted as the best for human use. But for animals, we propose a formulation with a different carrier oil.

-Salmon fish oil.

This carrier oil has all the necessary traits of the above options while also providing smell and flavor appealing to pets. (the downsides are that this product is not vegan. Some pets might also reject the taste or have an allergic or similar reaction to it) Salmon fish oil has many health benefits on its own! It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that support a healthy immune system, cardiovascular system, promotes healthy skin and coat while also improving cognitive function. Although if counted in drops, it won't add much value. That's why we propose CBD oil for pets to be formulated for 30ml bottles. Having a 2.5% or 5% CBD concentration in 30ml dropper bottles, the dosing of CBD becomes easier. And this way the intake of healthy wild Alaskan salmon oil is also increased!

CBD Oil For Dogs

To summarise, there are many options available, and its very hard to put the finger on one and say this is the best. Our friends from the animal kingdom vary in size, age, and the conditions they need to have treated. There is just no “one size fits all”. There is however more data on CBD administration to our best four-legged companions. CBD can benefit dogs in many different ways. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, CBD works for animals in the same way as in humans, it promotes homeostasis. Cannabidiols action can be seen in dogs’ proper function,  which is reflected in their shape and behavior. Too little scientific data is available to make any full proof claims on how the CBD impacts the animal. But the internet is swarmed with happy dog owners which used CBD to just improve their dogs' health. Some even used CBD oil to treat epilepsy in dogs or using CBD oil for dogs with heart problems. But dog owners have seen an improvement of dogs mobility, immune system, improvements in healthier teeth, skin, and coat. CBD helped with dogs' pain and inflammation, loss of appetite, anxiety, and noise phobia. CBD is also showing great potential in treating dog breed anomalies! Obviously, with this wide array of health benefits, there could also be some dangers involved. Undesirable side effects might come up if the dog is not used to CBD or has perhaps taken too much of the products. These negative reactions can be seen as dry-mouth (dehydration), low blood pressure (drowsiness), disorientation (lightheadedness), vomiting (nausea). With proper dosing, our dog should not experience the problems above. The CBD dosage depends on the size of your pet and is as follows:

Administration of CBD to Dogs

There are several routes of administration of CBD to your dogs. The most effective would be to dose the CBD oil directly into dogs mouth, in the best scenario to rub it against dogs gums. While it sounds easy, this option can be sometimes hard to execute in practice. A more simple way would be to just mix the drops directly onto the dogs’ meal, or into his bowl of water. After you start giving your pet CBD, it is wise to keep a journal and track progress.

The CBD Pet Market

CBD has taken the pet market by storm. From CBD dog treats to CBD-infused stuffed animal toys, the CBD pet market increased by nearly 1000% in 2020 alone. Most of these products are not yet backed by scientific research and it is hard to measure their effectiveness without trying them. But many pet owners are betting on CBD as their go-to for treating ailments of their dear pets.  Obviously, it is not wise to take CBD without asking your veterinarian for advice first. In case your pet is already undergoing treatment with other medicine, possible dangerous interactions with CBD could arise. Although veterinarians, similar to doctors and pharmacists, might often simply deny the positive effects of CBD and try to avoid this discussion. This is simply because the source of CBD comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant, which legal status is still very questionable in most parts of the world. On the other hand, if you see the veterinary clinic filled with all kinds of different pet products with CBD, the situation might raise flags. The personnel might just be jumping on the CBD bandwagon and try to make a profit, especially if the clinic has its own brand of CBD. This judgement is mostly left to you and is mostly related to the trust you built over time with the veterinarian.

But always be sure to check the following:

-The CBD extract for pets should be derived with carbon dioxide, which leaves no harmful solvents behind -The origin of the hemp and the carrier oil should be non-GMO and from organic sources, as there are no residuals of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the final product -The product should be without any artificial colour and flavours. Only natural extracts of spices and herbs or medicinal plants should be incorporated. -3rd party lab testing, which adds another layer of credibility to the product At Essentia Pura, the white label CBD pet products specialist, we always strive to meet the criteria above when manufacturing CBD products. We make no difference in the quality when producing CBD for human consumption, CBD for cats, CBD for horses. Quality is always our number one priority. If made and dosed properly, CBD should have minimal side effects and could be less dangerous than traditional medicine. But you should never replace the treatment your veterinarian prescribed with CBD, especially without your veterinarian's approval. 

If you are interested in white-label CBD for pets, do not hesitate to contact us! We will help you find the perfect CBD formulation that you can share with the animal world.